
Monday, May 28, 2018

The Other Party

[4 min read]

I have been on this earth - for 24 years, and I've learnt quite a lot of things. One of these things is that you should not kill yourself for other people.

Friday, May 25, 2018


[2 min read]

Hey there, it's been quite a while...

Life has been happening in large waves, and I've been an optimistic student learning all I can in the process. Something I learned is what I'll be discussing on this post - and in subsequent beautiful posts to come. If you didn't know it before, Life is really a bunch of process put together, happening in sync and creating a beautiful product.

Monday, May 21, 2018

What If I Told You? - Poem Video

[1:30 min video]

A short poem video involving animated text sequences, made by Jamike Ekennia-Ebeh. You can check out short poetry pieces by following him on instagram at @ekenniajam.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Give Me Some Accolades. Please. Abeg.

 [4min Read]

There's this thing that I've noticed about blog readers.
A lot of people don't really comment - and by a lot, I mean 98% of people.

Okay, I must confess...
I'm twisting the figure. It's actually more like 99.9999%

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Teach Our Boys to be BOYS

[4 min read]

It is a common saying on most, if not all social media platforms that "Men are scum." Well, personally, I know quite a number of men who are not scum. For various reasons men have become scum to women or rather the entire female populace. I do not disagree with the men are scum theme song actually; personal experiences and very true life stories have made me believe at several intervals that men are indeed the scummiest of the scum. But the problem is that everyone can be a scum at any given time, but that is a story for another time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Plantain Frittata

[4 min read]

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the month of May.

Believe me you'll love this. Plantain is that food item that never goes wrong. If you don't like plantain, like are you even from this planet? Okay just kidding but as a matter of fact, plantains are close to the heart.

Personally i love them in any form; boiled, fried, roasted, pottage form (if you want to know how this is made, drop hints in the comment section 😁) ,chipped, baked, burnt. Okay scratch out the last part, if you burn my plantains, we are over.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Switch Summer Camp Promo - 1

[1 min video]

Check out the Switch Summer Camp coming up this year in Ibadan, Nigeria. Got kids? Nieces and Nephews? Make sure they attend!! You can't afford to let them miss this. It's just too much. Go! Go! Go!