
Thursday, February 28, 2019

My Bread Incinerator

[3 min read]

I had an idea once,
A wonderful idea I must say,
To have a bread factory working night and day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

My mother loves art

[1 min read]

"My mother loves art"
He said from behind me.
Infront of us a man in a painting,
Who was suddenly smiling.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

ABUAD-Google Digital Skills Training Programme

[2min Read]

So Google has teamed up with the TRJ and OSHAMO! brands to bring a digital skills training programme to the students in the campus, from February 24th.

This is useful for people who want to learn how to get their content viral, do online business, enhance their technical skills on the internet, improve their online presence, and blow. Check out the details for registering below.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A piece written in red

[2 min read]

There is a monster in all of us.
Some may be big, others quite small,
But then there is a drive,
One big or small,  or busy like a hive.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Lessons we learnt from the Presidential debate

[5min Read]

The Presidential debate held on the evening of 19th of January, 2019 or well, something like it held.

You probably watched and enjoyed a group of intellectuals brainstorm. Another group probably was too upset about the absence of the big guns. Yet another arrived at a factual destination that this columnist arrived at a long time ago, the fact that we’re practically toast as a nation.

Others didn’t even bother. Now whether you were a glass half-full or glass-half empty sort of person is of no real worry to this columnist.

Time for some objectivity though.

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Old Dancer

[3min Read]

My favourite music artist of all time will probably always be Michael Jackson.

For many of you that know me personally, it would not be much of a surprise. For some of you it may be, as you may think I can't sing or dance - because it looks med school has turned me into a serious machine. (Not true by the way).

If you had asked me 10 years ago who the best dancer worldwide was, I would have replied with his name. I was amazed with his moves. I loved his music. I loved how bigger than life he seemed. How deeply people loved him, even people who knew nothing but his songs and his name. He was the innovator of dance, and he changed music forever.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Shades and reflections

[3 min read]

When I was young, I wore shades of bright colours and I saw the world in its reflection.
I've always loved trying new things, maybe it was just to feed my curiosity.

Heard that growing up was hard, but I couldn't wait to be a year older, I would round up my age and keep my teeth locked hoping they won't ask for my year of birth.
I loved to take up responsibilities; worked hard to be somewhat mature at least for my age.