
Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Man Lied

[3min read]
A man lied? Shocking!!!

It is the first day of my new job, my first occupation. It’s also Monday. I’d stayed up late last night carefully picking what I would wear, I had to make a good impression. After I'd ironed my chiffon shirt and my favourite black pencil skirt, it was time to select a shoe.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Football Managers and the Change of Guard

[3 min read]
There's a chance this will be a key rivalry of the new era.
Football, a sport we have come to passionately fall in love with and which is notorious for constantly re-inventing itself has done it again!

While the obvious re-invention has to be the introduction of VAR and its ever-abiding controversies, there’s a particular process the game is currently undergoing, subtle yet pretty obvious that should have our attention.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Waving of the wand

[1 min read]

Let me tell you a secret,
But tell only worthy souls this.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Unholy Alliance

[5 min read]

Politics, they say, make strange bedfellows.

This is a tale of a steamy affair between the People’s Republic of China and The Russian Federation. An affair that invokes fear in its purest form and suspicion in its darkest form in the bleeding hearts of other East Asian Nations.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

About Magic

[1 min read]

Once upon a time,
There was us.
In the glistening yellow,
In the drowing grey.

There was us.
At the table of the biggest brunches,
And the slowest lunches.

Monday, August 12, 2019


[1 min read]

If you have grandparents...

There may not be a next time,
Right now may be all you have.
Spend quality time with them,
Lavish love, attention and care on them.
Spend that loose cash on them.

If you have grandparents...