
Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Hate of Aversion

What is that one thing you would NEVER do? What is something that is so repugnant or taboo to you, that the very idea repulses you when you consider yourself ever even trying** it?

For some people its killing. For some it's premarital sex. For others it's illegal drugs. For some it's changing religion. Whatever it is - it all depends on several factors. There are numerous factors in reality and a few would include your
Peer group
Religious background
Media exposure

Heck...for some people even life is something they would like to totally avoid....

The thing to talk about isn't rather why you have the aversion right now or how to get rid of the aversion but rather - how determined you are to keep it and if in fact you should. I believe that there are some good aversions to be kept eg. Killing. But there are so many things that happen in this day and age that cause do many people to drop in the strength of their conviction and resolve and in the end get a degeneracy of their moral fibers to occur. It starts slowly and innocently. 

Your conscience buzzes you once in a while but you ignore it.
Then you continue and it throbs persistently. You ignore the throbbing and ask "what could go wrong?".

Your conscience beats at you, but you fight against it. You want to be in. You tell yourself there's a good reason for it.

Your conscience screeches and cries out to you but you close your eyes to the signs and deafen your ears to the screams of your very own heart. You tell yourself it's just once you'll do it.

Your mind gets quiet. It's silent and it's over. You tell yourself you just wanted to see what it was like. You just wanted to know. You make all the excuses in the world. You may even tell yourself it's the first and last time ever.....You'll NEVER do it again. Ever.


Then you do it again. Then the process repeats itself. Each time your conscience losing its voice. Weaker every time. Till it screams no more. Till it's just a normal thing. Till the shouts of your heart no longer are heard. Not because you like it more than anything. But rather because your hearts' cords have all snapped. Shouting in anguish for you to stop going. 

This point is where we say your conscience is dead. Or at least dead for that aversion. The process seen above isn't the only way it happens. It's only for very severe things in which your moral fibre and spirit see their ultimate bane. It's still the same basic thing however for our aversions. 

What's your aversion? Is it traveling to a certain land or country? Is it using public toilets?  Is it worth the death of your own conscience? Is it worth it at all? Me? My aversions are many. These include peanut butter. I absolutely hate the idea of peanut butter. Imagine toothpaste. Now imagine if you took peanuts (groundnuts) and crushed them just into paste just like that. It's senseless to me I guess. Some people like it. Good for them. I'm not saying I'm going to die if I ever eat or try it. But if you ever try to feed me peanut butter ice cream. Somebody MIGHT die. :|.... and it won't be me.

What's your** aversion? What's your** taboo? Is it worth it? Why? Would you ever kill it? Why? Comment below and tell us what you think :) 

Thanks for coming here :)
Love, Stars and Jam

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