
Friday, December 11, 2015

Life in the ABUAD MB...

A lot of people don't know what REALLY goes on in medical school, why medicine students even DARE to choose such a course. Why would you doom yourself to boredom, stress and more books than the average library.

Well, having just passed into the clinical stage of my training, I decided that I'd share a few things and moments of my wonderful world of medicine as a pre-clinical student....

When we got into ABUAD as medical students in 100 level it was all like...
We dem boys…

In ABUAD, when the girls find out you're a med student they're like...
                                                                   O boy come my way....

Then we heard only 55 of would remain to be medical students

After 1.2 million?

After writing exams fast, but the results now come out at the end of time
                                                                             One day.....

Throughout both semesters medicine girls would always be doing assignments nobody asked them to ever do, making the boys vex and play catch up…
                                          Chai.... are you really sure Adam was lonely?

Apart from that, 100 Level was a gentle breeze…
Is this university life? Why did I worry?

When you get a high CGPA, and the school doesn’t give you the money…

Then the news came that we would be wearing college colors. Our imagination had us like….

And Truly we saw….

We were like red blood cells

Then.....When you enter into 200 level
Oh yes...

The freshers be looking all strange and foreign in the school, full of naive happiness and life, looking all like....
                                                               Shine..... shine your way

On their matriculation day it takes a new level and edge...
                                                                 Mama..... I've made it....

Then in our anatomy class we were told we should regularly palpate ourselves in our rooms, and everyone was all..

                                             See variation oo...maybe my textbook is wrong...

After that, Biochemistry Class had us all like...

When you choose to sit in the back and try to see the board
                                                                             Is that 2 or 3?

When the lecturer wants to go at their time and the course rep tells him/her there is a free class....
                                                             Brother.... did we ask you?

When the lecturer stays for “one more hour”....
                                                          ...Will this never end?

Then when the lecturer asks the class a question and you don’t know it so you look away...
                                                               Hmm!....not today

When the lecturer finally asks you a question you know
                                                     Yes.... This is my time!!

But when someone else answers questions offpoint
....Where is the point?

When it came time to sign the attendance ehn…
Every man for himself oo

If you ever by suya/yam in the night and your roommates find out…
Omo wassup naa…

The night before anatomy exams you catch your friends blocking…
So you’re living life on the edge?

How lecturers act if you want to explain yourself for borrowing anything in exam hall
                                                                              If I hear "pim"!

When you write Biochem exams like a true boss, but your exam scores look like a developing nightmare

Meanwhile people who failed a course…

Then when the school fees got increased...
 .....What is this?

How people pretended they would act on the issue
                                                          ♫ ♬Anyi ga-ahu onye ike ga-agwu...

When we finally got to 300 Level, deciding to start being serious and read
It's on now....

And when everyone is told to pay the Student Association dues
In ABUAD? Ok.....

By now, whenever they tell you to go for congress
Omo, hostel oo….

When GST class is holding, the place looks like

You will want to read at night, but the sleep demons are tempting you so you move around like…
                                                     Na lie oo.....I shall not fall....

In the neuroanatomy exam you see a question looking like “Which of these is not unlikely to be true”
                                                          For real....

And if you’re in first batch for practical exams, once you come out – The Interviews begin
Omo, wetin dey na?

When they’re giving N500,000 for having three distinctions and your result is 69:69:69
My enemies in the village ooo

When they tell you it’s three months to MB
There is still time....

And your parents call and ask how you’re doing, so you tell them you’ve been reading all day
                                                          You know yourself.....

When they start a fight on the class group chat

Then they tell you it’s three days to MB
                                                  Wait....I'm not done reading ooo, 

So you study and try to selectively read the important points but…
Everything is important!!

And during MB period, suddenly everyone rediscovers God and begins coming to prayer meetings...
Oh ye faithful....

When your roommate sleeps throughout on the day before anatomy MB exam
                                      Are they after you in your village or what?

During revision time with peeps, everyone is spouting strange words you’ve never heard before
                                                      Wait....What have I even been reading?

And when you come out of viva hall...
Calm down....

When you have a low CA but you still passed MB
  ♫ ♬Ah... Shakiti bobo!!

After MB you start forming “Clinical Student”
                                So yeah I’m almost like, virtually, a real doctor now.... kinda

As always - Thanks for reading
Love, Stars and Jam...

Did you like this article? You can read awesome others like...
1. Testimony ONE
2. Being Pete Edochie
3. How NiMSA broke my heart


  1. Nice post/memes. "When u come out of viva hall" :D Congrats!!. #xavier

  2. Really nice and very true.........CONGRATULATIONS

  3. Lol Jamike. Very funny and soo true. 😤 congratulations!!

  4. 😃😄😃😂 very funny, i love it... Congratulations

  5. Amazing was funny and I could totally relate as a med student

  6. This is really kul!

  7. The school fees for 100 level in ABUAD are now 1.8million + oo.

    Such wawu.


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