
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Future

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”   
- Marianne Williamson, Return to Love

Countless years have since past as we've heard it chorused; In the classrooms, In the streets, In the churches - "Children are the future", "The youth are the leaders of tomorrow".

But.... the youth have now gotten old. Some got so old that their time came and they have even passed away. Yet the same people who have lead and governed for 30 - 50 years are still leading and governing today. With the trend we're on, it seems we go further and further in the past to drudge up leaders from regiments and councils of old to take the reigns of power.

Are we so incapable, we "youth", of taking control of our own lives? Our present? Our very futures? Will we stamp down our heritage? Have we young lions forgotten how to roar? Meant to be eagles, but unable to soar. 

In a cesspool of corruption, greed, favouritism, incompetence, apathy and hate we've been raised - with fragmented moralities and disjointed beliefs to see the worlds' living in two ways; "Use" or "Be Used". We've grown up with social decadence and decay in such a way that we are virtually trained to accept it as "normal", the status quo.

But it's NOT normal.

You want corruption to go, but you refuse to let go of your own little private corruptions. Your expo. Your theft. Your bribery. Your laziness. Your poor quality. You want corruption to stop with the big rich people first, let things be better before you would decide to follow suit. But you forget that change, like an evergreen tree,  does not start from the leaves down. No - It grows from the roots up. It starts as a seed - rising up from beneath the ground where it was buried..... It starts as a breakthrough.

You see... corruption didn't come down on us like a meteor. It came through the evergreen forest of our people like a soft decay. Rotting its way through hearts with sickeningly sweet smells and promises of . Seducing the elite and then masses with

But it's okay. It's simply a challenge. A big challenge maybe, but still a challenge nevertheless. And challenges are NOTHING if not meant to be overcome. We need to take over. Yes. "WE". New age thinkers, we "youth". We need to show the old people how it's done. We need to throw out all the bad rubbish that's been dumped into our hearts, our mentalities.

We'll be free from hate and tribal sentimentalities and injustice. We'll shy away from stealing what freely belongs to everyone. We'll account for our actions and choices. We'll take the higher moral ground, even when the grass is littered with gold. We'll be fair to ourselves and to others. We'll innovate! We'll invent! We'll speak good English!!

This is our life and our chance to change everything. Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. Be the difference. Change it up. Show a new mentality, a new world overcoming the troubles of the old.

We will create the Nigeria that used to be dreamt of. Piece by piece, muscle fiber by muscle fiber, breath by breath. We'll expand our dreams. Impose our will on this world and not let this world impose it's will on us!! We'll revolutionize everything. Whether they like it or not. This is who we are! This is what we want! What we were promised, and what we are taking! The FUTURE!! We'll be who we were meant to be. They will see us do it. They will learn.... and they will wonder. Where did we come from? Though they forgot that we have always been here. They will wonder what's happening, who we are, what we want and why we're doing it. We will answer - THE FUTURE!!

So when they ask you these things, when they ask you...... "who are you?"
Tell them....

"The Future"

Lets Be Legendary
Love, Stars and Jam


  1. Nice write up Jamie. We are the future!!

  2. Nice motivation...this is the mentality we should alway have. Jam nice one

  3. Beautiful school of thought... We should begin to have more conversations Like this, with the hope that it changes the way we think about these things and eventually prepare the young generation to take up leadership responsibilities.

    Great job Jamie.

  4. I like this! We really need to redefine Nigeria, lift it out of the gutter those before us have thrown it. And we can start from our living rooms.

    I should be Nigerian by tribe from a yoruba lineage, not the other way around. WE are the future, not THEIR distorted cultures!



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