
Monday, January 2, 2017

The Happy Jar

So I got this image sent to a group chat I'm on, and it just resonated with me immediately. 

This is a 'Life Pro Tip'. One of many I'll be sharing this year, to help you live life to the fullest!

Let's face it. A lot of us find it hard to feel grateful for "all the things we've been given", mostly because we just can't think of them all at once. The scope and scale of it all escapes us. I get it. It's hard to see how amazing the ocean is when all you can see is the shoreline and beach.

We tend to get lost in our depressions and little sorrows, failures, mistakes, shortcomings, unrealized ambitions and problems - far easily than we tend to rejoice in our joys and blessings. 

Negativity is toxically powerful. It's a drug, and if it's not handled well our minds can get addicted to it, and get warped into a cacophony of unending swerves and curves of falling into the darkest pits of despairs.

But then there is Hope.

...Then there is light, and love, and joy and all the positivity of victory. It's there in our hearts too. Like a candle in the dark.... and it's set atop a petrol-laden bunch of well dried firewood. All we have to do is light it up. Find it, bring those starry-eyed sparks out and let that baby burn brightly.

Tell yourself, "Let there be light".

This year, gather your "firewood" with the jar as many times as you can. If you don't have a glass jar or plastic container, use a small box or even a nylon bag. No, really... Do it! Every time something good happens, write it on a piece of (colored) paper and keep it. Try to write at least one "wood piece" once a week.

At the end of the year, just so you know how amazing the year has been, bring them all out and read them one by one. 

Burn Brightly.
You are a fire like no other.

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