As a lot of you know I'm not really all that much of a regular poster on here as much as I would have loved to be, but I'm still working on it. I've got my own good reasons, but I won't be addressing those now because I'm here to talk about something else, which is much more important.
I'm here to talk about sharing the Christian faith.
"Caring is sharing" is a phrase most or all of you are probably familiar with. Some might have even seen or event used the hash tag #Share_if_you_care. But the problem is most of us are actually afraid to share our faith. Why? Because we're afraid of maybe being called a goodie-two-shoes or being accused of being killjoys and not being fun or even knowing how to HAVE fun? Not following the latest trends? Because we don't want to hurt others feelings? Or because we say its a free world and shouldn't force anyone to think our way? Is it because we believe others may react violently? Is it because we're afraid of losing our friends or changing our lifestyle?
There are a lot of reasons to forge.....a lot of excuses to make......a lot of fears to carry.....a lot of doubts to slow anyone down. You could say its not easy sometimes and maybe it always isn't. I understand that. But the thing is. God never promised us an easy journey in life. But He did promise that it would be worth it.
These you can see in Matthew 11:30 "My yoke is easy and my burden is light" and from Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" . In all things, no matter your doubt, no matter your fear, no matter your reason, no matter what excuse you may have.....you only need one thing to motivate you to tell the world about The one and only living God and His Son, our Saviour. That is LOVE.
In John 13:34 "...Love one another as I have loved you". In John 15:13 We see Him say "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" and in Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore and teach all nations..." And in the next verse of that same chapter ".....and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen".
You can see from these bible verses that Jesus loves each one of us and died so that we may live, not to live just for ourselves but to live to give the same love bestowed to us by His grace and mercy to everyone else. To our neighbours, to our friends, to our family, to our enemies. Love them all and to what real love entails.
When you love someone you don't wish for them to suffer, most especially when you have the means and capacity to help them, that's the truth is it not? You do not want to go to hell, and I'm also pretty sure you wouldn't want others to go there either. Share the good news to everyone you know. It doesn't matter who they are or what religion they are in either. I have a lot of Muslim friends and I persistently like to preach to them too, and they listen to what I have to say. They normally ask for more information even. Its because I love them that I tell them these things. That Jesus Christ is Lord and is the key to entering the kingdom of heaven. Yes. I share.... Because I care....
Jesus loves us and shared to us the good news. The Gospel. He asked that we love others as He had loved us. He asked that we share. In the end nothing else matters in or from the life that live or have lived. Not the length or the amount of fun and enjoyment in style but the quality and content of truth and joy. I know you might be afraid that the people you preach to may not listen but I can assure you that no method or word of your preaching is wasted. There are a lot of ways with which you can preach. Speaking, singing, dancing, living (yes the way you live your life can and will preach to others.) Etc. If you are afraid, then there's no need to do anything else but pray for truth, grace and confidence. Rehearse nothing. But let it flow from your lips as it comes. The truth of the Gospel. The truth of Love .
I will conclude by telling you something extra. Last week or so I was checking out my whatsapp application on my phone and saw a profile picture which intrigued me. It also changed some of my thinking as well. It was a list of sentences beginning with a title. The title and its following lines of truth were as follows.
Love thy neighbour
Thy homeless neighbour
Thy Muslim neighbour
Thy Black neighbour
Thy Gay neighbour
Thy White neighbour
Thy Jewish neighbour
Thy Christian neighbour
Thy Atheist neighbour
Thy Racist neighbour
Thy Addicted neighbour
There were no exceptions
As you can see from the above, you are expected to love everyone. No exceptions. And as per that same love share to them the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. His Life, Death and Resurrection. If anyone asks you why your faith is real and what makes it better. Remind them that it's the Word of God, not yours. And ask them if their leader came back to life when he promised them to.
I believe that the same way that you cannot extinguish/fight fire with fire, you cannot also in the same vein extinguish hate with hate....only LOVE can do that...
I challenge all of you reading this now to two things.
God bless us......Every One.
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