
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

10 things we could learn from Dogs

If we were really very open minded, and interested in viewing the world in an unorthdox way, we would see that  Dogs could teach us things, the simple everyday important things like...

1. When loved ones come home always run to greet them.
Take nothing and no-one for granted. Show love every moment, and in every way.

2. Fresh air and wind in your hair is ecstasy.

Feel the breath of nature. It's a joy of life.

3. Take naps and stretch before rising..
*yaaaaawn!! Be content in a good, powerful rest.

4. Run, romp and play daily.
Don't be afraid to have fun, and move around. Explore the world! It's too big for you to stay in your room.

5. Avoid biting when a growl will do.
Fights will come and go for nothing. Instead, how tolerance when you can.

6. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Go places. You'll see how beautiful a world we live in.

7. Be loyal.
Hold on, and be held on to. Be faithful, and watch life reward you beautifully.

8. Never pretend to be something you are not.
Be your OWN kind of awesome. Let loose your inner 'wow'.

9. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
The rewards are mighty!! Keep searching!! Don't give up!!

10. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close to them, and nuzzle them gently.
Sometimes we just need love, even when we're not asking for it.



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