
Saturday, August 26, 2017

22 Life Hacks For You

Sometimes we find ourselves in everyday life situations that seem like theres no hope. Life hacks however informs you of those answers you never knew. Read on and find solutions you have been looking for and learn new cool stuff.

1. Storing batteries in the freezer can up to double their life span.

2. Never use your favorite song as your alarm clock, you'll end up hating it. Some people learn this the hard way

3. Using your phone while it's charging can damage the battery. This is why the cords for chargers are so short

4. If you put your fingers in ice water immediately after painting your nails the paint will dry instantly.

5.Drinking two cups of water before meals can make you lose an average of 4.5 more pounds which is approximately 2kg within 12 weeks than if you don't.
Sounds like a good deal to me.

6. You're 50% more likely to remember something if you speak it out loud instead of simply reading it over and over.

7. Holding a banana peel over a bruise (for 10 to 30 minutes), will remove it's color! Also, a cold spoon can help remove a hickey.
8.If your phone battery is really low and you need it for later don't turn it off. Instead, put it on airplane mode. Turning it off and on will waste more battery life. 
Also learnt this the hard way...😧

9. Lick your wrist and smell it😼. This is what your breath smells like to others. Nasty but helpful.

10. Toothpaste and hairsprays  remove ink from your clothes. Apply it to the stain, let it dry and then wash.

11. Want to lose weight? Eat more spicy food! Spicy foods fool your taste buds into being more satisfied with smaller amounts. These include curry, thyme, pepper,  onions, garlic, ginger, etc.

12. The Calvin Klein "Obsession" scent should never be used when going into the woods. It attracts cheetahs, tigers and jaguars. 
Just thought I should put this out for them slay queens😏

13. On you can vent your problems and secrets to a total stranger. I've used it. Just remember not to give out personal intel. However its a safe site and there are always people to talk with. Always.

14. Sugar can cure a burnt tongue.

15. When you're thinking about buying something you don't necessarily need, imagine the item in one hand and the cash in the other. Which one would you take?
Act your wage!

16. If you have a tough decision flip a coin, not to decide for you, but you'll realize what you really want when it's in the air.

17. To stop yourself from vomiting, eat a mint/chew minty gum.

18. Dropped your phone in the toilet? put it in a bag of rice. The rice will absorb the water.

19. If you have just eaten a hot pepper or another spicy food, eat some yogurt. The relief comes immediately and it works better than bread or milk.

20. Set good songs as custom ringtones for people you don't like. This way, when they call you can enjoy the song while ignoring them.

21. Stuffy nose? Leave a sliced onion near where you sleep and let it sit for the night. When you wake up you'll have a clear nose.

22. Your dance moves might not be the best, but making a fool of yourself will always be more fun than sitting on the bench alone. Ignore the rude judgements and have fun.

Thats all for now. Dont forget to leave your comments below. You can also share other hacks you know. Thanks for reading. 😊


  1. Thanks readers,for all your support of course we won't be writing if no one was reading them. It would be great if you could leave your comments down here. Its simple. Hope you enjoyed the hacks.

  2. LπŸ˜‚L nice hacks πŸ‘
    d last one tho
    it's sooo true
    some people don't realize it yet
    Just mindlessly let loose, feel free n have fun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

  3. Awesome hacks...learnt some new things todayπŸ€—


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