Tuesday, August 15, 2017
This sequel follows the guardians as they continue their adventures through the outer reaches of the galaxy. After an unfortunate mishap with one of their recent clients, the guardians find themselves having to fend off a hostile alien fleet. They are rescued by a mysterious being, who later reveals himself to be Quill’s father, Ego. As the mystery of Quill’s parentage is unraveled, we will discover if Ego is really friend or foe.
RATING: 8.5/ 10
Marvel studious really outdid themselves this time. The movie is undoubtedly better than the first film. The jokes, hilarious; acting, impeccable; and the graphics, beautiful. For those that love space adventure movies, this is for you; it does a wonderful take on the outer cosmos, from teleporting asteroid fields, to a living planet.
Both old and new characters were used, really bringing in that ‘sequel feel’, and also dropping some hints for another sequel towards the end, like all marvel films do.
One of the most epic moments of the movie took place at the very beginning. The team was hired to protect some extremely powerful batteries from an intergalactic beast that sought to eat them. This led to an epic battle with stunning graphics and probably masterful badassery, but we would never know as the scene took place in the background. The focus? Baby Groot, as he dances to ELO’s ‘Mr. Blue Sky.’
The movie is a masterpiece, and if it doesn’t leave you in awe, it will have your sides aching in laughter.
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