
Friday, March 9, 2018

The Mirror, The People and The Mind

By Olamide Oluwole

I'll give you three scenarios, you'll decide.
Case 1
She looked in the mirror
She decided she's beautiful
She went out,
Her mind convinced she's beautiful
But then,
Someone asked if she's okay
Her face looks tired
At that moment,
Her mind was convinced she's not beautiful
So she continued her day sad and solemn
With the mindset she's not beautiful

Case 2:
She woke up sad
She decided she was not beautiful
She looked in the mirror
She did not see beauty
She went out,
Her mind convinced she's not beautiful
People complimented her beauty
But she's convinced she's not
So she went back to the mirror to check
But she saw the same person she saw before
All day she remained sad
With the mindset she's not beautiful

Case 3:
She woke up beautiful
She decided she's beautiful
She looked in the mirror and saw beauty
She went out with the mindset she's beautiful
People saw her and said she looks joyful
No one said she's beautiful,
Or even pretty
No, they said joyful
And that's how she remained
With the consciousness that she's beautiful

So you decide, what affected each person at the end of the day
We have the power to choose who we are
To choose who to influence us
Cause at the end of the day,

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