
Tuesday, April 10, 2018


By X

A lot of times, people feel their opinions are needed, even when not asked for and I wonder, why?

Why can’t you just seem to shut up and mind your business, rather than be all up in my business, blabbing about stuff that you have no business with? And it’s especially in a scenario where they have no idea whatsoever of the issue that they show up like fishes gasping for breath from all the gossips they’ve said and heard.

“Rather than being opinionated,

Try being informed”.

Oftentimes, we wonder why nobody asks anybody anything anymore. Everyone assumes, making an ass of themselves and each other by making assumptions. Then, what’s next? Innocent people no longer have a say in the life that ought to be theirs. “Why?” Because people foster – muster – imaginations, bred from petty ‘beef’, about them and leave the truth staring, dumbfounded or fighting for relevance.

The truth is, we all have facets; stages in life. Let people figure it out ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT YOUR OPINIONS. Believe it or not, their position is discomforting or uncomfortable enough without your ‘voiced thoughts’ blocking the airway of fresh answers or opportunities or solutions. *in Madea’s voice* “You wanna help, do it in your prayers, AMEN! Thank you Jesus”

People don't need a bunch of adventure starved people starting trouble for them when all they're trying to do is survive! Why would you even go around starting that crap?

  It is known, some of these people read, discuss, breed, eat and sleep on this stuff (that is, your ill-informed gossip) on a regular basis and go around spreading rumors. MAN, THAT IS TOTALLY DIGUSTING!

People become so preoccupied with their opinions and the opinions of others that it limits their potential in any given situation, Someone once said, “humans are social beings”, like it’s an excuse for them sticking their noses where they don’t belong, Child, keep your nose and your loose mouth on lockdown! Is that too much to ask?

 ‘Cause, if my actions don’t concern you then don’t concern yourself with my actions. One thing I do know, is that those incapable of minding their business are most likely internally miserable. They seek to find faults within others just to make themselves feel better, in an attempt to comfort themselves about their failures.
Am I making sense?

Offering insight as a friend, or someone who understands the present situation from personal experience, can be helpful at times because you have good intentions. However, there is only so much advice you can give without pushing the limits. Everyone has faults and there is a thin line between helping someone get through their indiscretions, and pestering them about it. Without patience and understanding you can easily change sides. It's easier said than done for people to help, because some people might not even be aware that they are simply being a pain in the Gluteus Maximus. Even if you don’t agree with what someone else is doing sometimes, you need to take a backseat and let them make their own mistakes.

 The situation might seem like a walk in the park for you but we attempt things in different ways. So, unless you’re in that position, it’s easier said than done.

You just can’t keep it in? Then ASK QUESTIONS! Why? When? Who? Where? How? Rather than becoming a seer and creating a million webs of lies leading to Scandals. They can’t be ‘Olivia Pope’s in their own lives. Come on! This kind of adventure is exciting only on screenplay, don’t try displaying your talent by making it real. I believe I speak for them when I say, “They don’t want to keep up!” Don’t play God and pass judgment on people. Don’t try to be Joker, he might have gotten away with it, but YOU? Naaah! It’ll catch up eventually.

For some reason, it is common for people to pass judgment on the relationships of others, but is it your business, really? Don’t like my relationship status? Well thank God it isn’t yours.


  1. Beautiful and insightful.

  2. " cause if my actions don'tconcern you then don't concern yourself with my actions ".

  3. Rather than being opinionated, be informed πŸ‘


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