
Wednesday, June 6, 2018


[1 min read]

I decided to look up the word ‘alone’
So I checked the dictionary on my phone,
And the results got me thinking.
So I did a bit more of searching,
I decided to look up loneliness,
But that just got my thoughts in a bit of a mess.

The truth is,we get so carried away
By everything around us,
By people and how their dresses sway,
Their achievements and how they look lush,
Their cliques and how close they appear.

So we move around in dismay
Looking downcast and miserable,
Trying to fit into the assemble.
Some go as far as losing themselves,
Their true thoughts and intentions put away on the shelves.
Does it work?
I won't be one to talk.

In the end, we are left alone
For we forgot an ultimate truth
That we can't pour from an empty cone
We have to nuture ourselves to the zenith
We shouldn't empty ourselves dry
In a bid to make others happy

Since it's not jeopardy
Learn to enjoy your own company
Take care of that special someone
The one that is always with you
Cos in reality, we are never alone
I assure you, this is true
You will always have you
And he has said, “I will never leave you”
So that makes two!

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