
Monday, December 16, 2019

Why I Don't Like Phone Calls

[2min Read]

Have I ever told you all how much I don't like phone calls?

Honestly, the only kind of interaction I really enjoy is face to face conversation. I have never really liked phone calls, and if you have ever wondered why you've never, or only rarely ever, gotten a phone call from me, now you know why. If i cant talk to you in person, i either hit you up with an SMS text, or on WhatsApp/IG/Facebook messenger. I can count the number of people I enjoy phone calls with. They are just four. And you know what? The reason why I love conversations with them? They ALWAYS go straight to the point, and know how to keep the conversation flowing.

I only ever call if I have something really important to say, or I need to URGENTLY contact you, or some other logical reason. So this is why I get frustrated and annoyed when I'm doing something (or even nothing at all), and I get a phone call from someone and they tell me they called "just to hear my voice". I don't care how calm I sound on the phone, at that moment you can be sure I will be frustrated with you (unless for example I haven't heard from you in years).

To tell you the truth, if I'm ever doing a "social call", I actually get intense joy when the phone isn't answered, because phone calls exhaust me - but I want to give the impression that I tried, and I care. However phone calls DO NOT equal love and care, as many people so wrongly believe.

Most of the time, if you call me and I'm currently using my phone and not in the mood of answering - I'll just hold it in my hand til it finishes ringing, or minimize it and get back to what I was doing before. I absolutely hate how I can't multitask when I'm making phone calls, because I absolutely focus on the phone call just to make sure the other party is satisfied with the conversation (I secretly hate anyone thinking I'm boring, you see)

Most people don't call for important things, which is what frustrates me. After answering the phone call and saying hello, they'll just keep quiet. Are you expecting me to do the conversation you wanted? By myself? If you call someone, you should have an action plan in mind for how to at least start the conversation, and add tidbits of things to keep the conversation flowing. Not ask "Have you eaten?" and then it has ended. In your mind, you have expended a large amount of effort and achieved something. Fam. You have not.

I have realized after sometime that when I write articles, it might seem like I'm angry like a boiling ocean - but I assure you, I'm not. I'm usually perfectly calm (until you call me on the phone). I just write with emotion, and so my writing reflects that with all sorts of interesting things to trap your attention - because, let's face it, most of you don't like reading, so I have to make you laugh, or shocked, or empathetic to keep you glued to the screen for a few more seconds. It's probably a Christmas miracle that you're here. Hallelujah.

Anyway. I used to think for YEARS that I was the only one who felt like this, and I was worried I had some kind of social problem. But there are many people that are just like this. (I also understand that there are many people who LOVE phone calls - such strange creatures.)

Please understand. Even if you do "just want to hear someones voice", please have a topic or two at hand to keep the persons interest and attention - better yet, plan with the person when the right time to call is. There are fewer things that annoy us far more than an UNNECESSARY phone call, or one that is coming at just the wrong time. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone, but it's better safe than sorry, yes? I greatly appreciate the fact that you want to talk to me, I'm blushing like a blood red rose in happiness, really. It's a gift. But like any gift, if it's  not presented well, it might not be well recieved.

I would ABSOLUTELY prefer a visit, even if it's for just 5 minutes, over a phone call. It's like the difference between the sun shining on you in winter, and a video call from the sun in winter. If you can't meet me up physically, then hit me up on social media. A phone call should hopefully not be your first option to contact me, unless you need information really quickly, it's an emergency, or some other logical reason that I haven't experienced or remembered to type here.

So you read this entire article. Two days to Christmas. I'm proud of you. (If you know you just scrolled to the end without reading, then give me my "proud of you back". Complete with a deposit of N20,000 to my bank account)

Thanks For Reading.
Love, Stars and Talk To Me In Person.

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