
Tuesday, February 18, 2020


[5 min read]

Could the Democratic party have appeared more effortlessly clueless like they just did in the past week?

The party which once had John F. Kennedy, William J. Clinton and most recently, Barack Obama bear her standard is at a realistic risk of losing to American reality TV show star and now President, Donald J. Trump for an astonishing second time!

Some 50 years ago, the Democrats were led by Lyndon B. Jonson; a man who knew precisely how to whip everyone in the party into corporate alignment for a common goal. These days, leadership is on vacation in the party. 

One wonders where all the lessons learnt by the political party during the debacle that was the 2016 polls are?

With a convoy of political gaffes of some of the most historical proportions, the democrats had some of their own loyalists wondering if their dear party had lost her marbles.

The ill-fated impeachment was quite frankly the pacemaker for the domino collapse of the democrats that climaxed last week.

Granted, the President needed some hot steam blown up his behind lest he thought himself the Imperator of the United States, however, everyone with at least one half of a cerebrum understood that an impeachment was mathematically impossible as it was a political process and his party would not turn its back on him.

That was clear, commonsensical and in need of no genius to conclude. Somehow, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and Charles Logan-looking Adam Schiff took the vessel to sea and powered away. They went for the President’s jugular and missed.

I asked again in my private time, what in the name of all that is good were these folks thinking?
It was a question of basic arithmetic.

Nancy, Chuck (Schumer) and Adam Schiff were not alone in the circus show, they were lent a helping hand by all those involved in the planning of the Iowa Caucuses.

An absolutely shambolic electoral performance that was. No one was sure which of the democratic candidates carried the state until few days after the caucus.

Oh it barely ended there, the caucus results eventually showed up and the big whales (Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren) were barely coming up the ocean surface to breathe.

A largely uninspiring field looking more like a Geriatric outpatient (L-R; Joe Biden 77, Elizabeth Waren 70, Bernie Sanders 78 and Pete Buttigieg 38) manifest than a bunch of Presidential hopefuls
For probably the very first time in a long while, the democratic field is largely uninspiring. It half the time looks like a geriatric outpatient department with the frontrunner and now led by a 79-year-old Bernie Sanders (The very candidate the Democrat establishment is deeply uncomfortable supporting).

Not the turn of events the democratic establishment wanted.  Establishment darlings Warren and Biden both got gut-punched like the Obama's Number two remarked.
Then of course there was the State of the Union. The annual sacred symbol of American politics was co-dragged shamelessly to the cleaners by the President and his nemesis, Speaker Pelosi.
Intentionally snubbing the speaker’s offer for the traditional handshake and handing the Medal of Freedom to a figure as divisive as Rush Limbaugh were truly blunders. Blunders not however severe enough to cause the President as little as a scratch.

The debacle that was the State of the Union Speech began with a handshake snub by the President...

79-year-old Nancy Pelosi proceeded with her own blunder making herself into a makeshift shredding machine on live TV and ripping the President’s speech apart. That was nothing but pre-pubertal rookie politics from an elder in the game.

...and then at the end of the speech, Madam Speaker got her own equalizer albeit a profoundly stupid one.
Trump minions took hold of the act and have had days of feasting on the video and making memes out of it. That moment of madness from Madam Speaker will be a thorn in the party’s flesh as time goes on.

This is the Democrat’s worst nightmare; A buoyed and gloating President who is in fact, armed to the teeth with talking points in his favour. Approval ratings have climbed to 49% (a personal best for the President), approval ratings of the President in his party up in the 90s, economy doing good (with jobs being added) and terrorists getting executed all over the globe at his command.

The Democrats' worst nightmare:A buoyed and gloating President fresh from an acquittal and about to ram it down their throats and rub it in their faces.

This is the worst time to face this large-mouthed President. He’s just survived the worst of tempests- an impeachment attempt; his party is rock solid behind him while candidates of the opposition party have resulted to smear campaigns to edge each other. He’s loving it at the moment. No wonder he spends most of his day making a mockery of them.

He heads to the campaign trail a formidable opposition and will be an absolute tough nut, maybe even tougher than 2016 to crack.

The President is like a gift that keeps giving. It is almost a certainty that he’d get himself in the muddled waters of trouble again soon enough. When he does, it’d take a democratic party that has cleaned house and got their acts together to take advantage.

For now, though, the democrats are realistically like a herd of wildebeest on migration with a very large predatory cat (The President) lurking in the woods are waiting to pounce at the first sight of disunity. 

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