
Saturday, March 26, 2016

How We Killed The World....

"If you could ask God one question.....what would it be?"

That's the post I saw in Nairaland one day. It's not a new question. Many people have asked the same question before. And many more people still will.

"Why did you create hell?"

"Why do you allow suffering to continue?"

"Why do you let millions of people get killed?"

"Why won't you come down and save the world, make everything good again?"

"Why do you love some people and hate others?"

"Why won't you just come down and speak for yourself?"

"Where do you come from, who gave you all your power?"

"Why did you create evil?"

"Why do good people suffer so much?"

These are the questions that keep getting asked time after time, over and over again. Heck....these are questions I, myself, have asked sometime even.

It's not particularly a bad thing to ask questions, I say. As long as you look for the right answers - the truth. The problem, however, with humans - is that we are so content with looking for the wrong ones. The answers that please us or justify our reasoning. We choose to stay in our tush little comfort zones and refuse to get out into reality, because we refuse to face the fact that The Truth is sometimes uncomfortable.  Yet, I believe it's one reason why we were made to be adaptable.

It's okay to ask questions when you're confused - because how else would you learn? How else would you be motivated to seek out the truth? If you don't ask questions, you would only remain confused - and that's something I'd argue that nobody should keep on. But as far as you're asking questions, just be ready to face the truths that may not favour you, or align with your paradigms of thought. The TRUTH is it's own self. It will not just go and change simply because you do not like it.

All the questions I cited above, paraphrased or otherwise, all have mostly one thing in common. It's us playing the "blame game" with God. We blame God for letting the world fall into the decadence of turmoil, inequality and moral decay that it is today - when, really, we are the ones who made it this way. If God came down to the earth and made everyone accept peace, took away all the weapons, made everyone equal, healed everyone and fixed the problems occuring in nature - We'd claim it was a good thing. But the truth is, that's not what we really want. If you check deep in your mind, you'd see all the cracks that have grown into your inner desires.

If God took all the weapons and stopped all the wars that we have - the pride, prejudice and anger that caused them would still be there.

If God wiped away all the hate in our minds and the memories that caused all these things, we would simply just make new ones. No one was born with hate in their hearts. We had it grown into us, or we simply grew it ourselves.

If God healed everyone, we'd still go and hurt ourselves for one reason or another. To prove ourselves more adept, to hurt others, or just by not being smart enough to value our bodies and health.

If God made everyone equal in - more or less, every way; we'd secretly wish that we were finer than [some] others. Stronger. Richer.  Higher in status. We would continue to NOT want to be equal. And we would work and struggle to make it all happen.

We blame a lot of other people for the problems and issues in our lives, in our societies, in our world. But we rarely ever blame ourselves. We think "corruption" is all about the people in the government or in high positions that make use of their placements to favour and enrich themselves and their  sycophants. But it's not true. Unfortunately - it's a whole lot more simpler than that.

Every time we cheat - we add to the corruption in the country. Every time we steal from our parents, we train ourselves more to steal from the country in the future. Every time we work against things that would have naturally progressed into a beautiful future for as many people as possible - just to benefit ourselves we make corruption stand taller. We fortify our minds with toxic beliefs of "be smart and do your own" not knowing that we are, in fact,  stupidly killing off the only chance we may have at saving the, as-it-is, yet uncertain future.

The truth is - The World is not corrupt.

We Are.

But luckily.... it does not always mean that we have to be.

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