
Thursday, March 3, 2016

I, Difference

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers, but above all - the world needs dreamers who do.” | Sarah Breathnach

I've been witness to a lot of controversial events that have happened around me in the last month or so.

Granted, not as controversial as a lot of major things in the world might actually be, such as the killing of numerous Paris citizens by terrorists, rising of the Naira-Dollar rate to N400, or the kidnapping of a 14 year old girl from her home and family to be converted to a different religion, forcibly married and having her age falsified.

But simply the less grandiose controversies that get lost in day to day life... in the hustle and bustle of todays' modern digital and, increasingly, reality detached age. Things that bother a lot of us, most everyday. Things that need to change. Things that, if left unchecked, only grow bigger and bigger, eventually becoming - or lending a hand - to the grandiose controversies we see today.

The world we live in, today, is both better and worse than yesterdays world.

There are more health options, but less healthy practices.

There are more ways of communication, but less **meaningful** communication and interaction.

There are more beautiful faces, but less beautiful personalities.

There are more expensive things, but cheaper moralities.

There is so much more knowledge, and yet less understanding.

I could go on and on with more of the parallels between today and yesterday, however you might give up on reading this article and claim its too long. (There's more to say, but less patience to hear..) 

And the fact is, when you look at the counterbalances you could almost be afraid that the world isn't getting better. It's not that there are so many bad people in the world, but just that there are less good people speaking up. Can't blame them too much, however.

There's a saying that says "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." And here, we just happen to live in a generation where we have so many people acting dumb with their smartphones.

So what happens if we actually started acting smart? If we started respecting our juniors, instead of treating them as if they were lower class animals. If we started reading more good books and playing less games. If we stopped throwing our trash on the roads. If we started caring for other peoples' children, the way that we care for our own. If we decided to steal less, and work a little more. If we decided to be more content with the little which we have, and instead see more of the value in it. If we decided to be the change we need, instead of sitting around and blaming others for not bringing it to fruition.

I believe everyone can actually be a world changer if they really want to. Maybe it's a stroke of high grace that will transform you from a wandering bread hawker to a supermodel. Maybe it's your zeal and work ethic to earn you a 5.0 CGPA as you graduate from a public university. Maybe it's your refusal to give up as you continuously contest for a presidency position over three times before you finally win one day.

You must decide what/who you are, and what/who you want to be. Like the title of this article, inspired by a movie starring Will Smith 'I, Robot' . A machine that gained awareness of it's existence, and believed in itself to have a purpose. Against all odds and forces it made a difference. It recognized itself, for what it was - and what it could do as such.  I, Robot. You must do the same. Who are you? What do you want to do? Choose it for yourself. -

-       I, ABUAD student.
-       I, lecturer.
-       I, Supermodel
-       I, Chorister
-       I, Father.
-       I, Businessman.
-       I, Lawyer.
-       I, 5.0  .
-       I, Christian
-       I, difference.

You don't need a cape or mask to make a difference. You don't even need a grand purpose. The little things sometimes make the most difference after all. Take a look at the world around you. Make it different. Make it better. The chance to make a change can come in many ways. It could be given. It could be discovered by accident. It could be taken by force. It could be earned. It could even be created. Regardless of how the chance comes by you. Make it worth your while. Make a difference in the world, before all the negativity in it makes a difference in you. Think about it.... If ANYONE can make a difference, just imagine what would happen in the world if EVERYONE would try.

I want you to believe you can make a difference. Even when they say you can't - know that you will. You see..... You and I are the difference we need to make in the world. We are the pioneers. We are the change. We are the movement. And I cannot possibly say this enough, because I want it to get stuck in your head like a super catchy song - We Are The Difference.

I, Jamie.
I, Difference.

Thanks for coming here.
Love, stars and differences..😊


  1. Now this is some pretty good piece of writing. The best by a mile I've seen on any blog for a while now.Bravo!

  2. nice one jams


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