
Monday, July 27, 2015


“Dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.” Paris Hilton

By Elizabeth T Peters

Fashion Fashion Fashion!

What is it? Dictionary wise, fashion can be described as “a prevailing custom or style of dress”, but to me, that doesn’t give fashion its due value. In my humble opinion, I would say fashion is more than just a custom; it’s a definition of yourself before you get to say a word. Your fashion speaks; it commands respect or attracts insults - or neither to be very honest.

So you want to go to a birthday dinner and it’s a really chic restaurant and the crowd you’re going with is wonderful. All fine and dandy but what will you wear? This is when key considerations come into play, I’ll walk you through them.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Madonna, Madonna

Madonna, Madonna, my dear alma mater
Still round about, with chatter and clatter
Sandals that squeak, and shoes that groan
And senior students, of whom juniors moan

Madonna, Madonna, my school home of past
How the times have passed, and so very fast
The mistakes and misfortunes, we all passed through
Forget any one, we never will do

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Meaning of Life

"...Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.” | Marianne Williamson

"Life is many things, but above all others, it is the chance you've been waiting for." | Robert Brault

Philosophers, sages and bored teenagers throughout history have examined a critical and sometimes controversial question that has churned out an innumerable multiplex of theories and philosophies over the years.

This question is...

"What is the meaning of life." 

I'm obviously not referring to either the definition seen in the Oxford dictionary or the one given by romanian pop twins in one of my earlier articles ie "Touch my bum. This is life"

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Hospital!!!??? this isn't particularly a general post. This is actually my FIRST post about my school, the other two previous posts were about sports and dangerous life that I've seen in the school, and not the school ITSELF.

Have a first look at the MASSIVE site being cleared for the rumoured state-of-the-art health facility complex being build at the prestigious AFE BABALOLA UNIVERSITY. Right here!! More pictures after the cut (^_^)

You can check out more details n the school itself at

The site.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


By Mercy Joe

There are two sides to a coin, so it is to life.

I have concealed in my thoughts my doubts about life and its rare favours but lavishing opportunities.At times I get all choked up in my thoughts that most lanes I get myself into were never meant to be crossed.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Submissions! :D

Hi everyone.

Hope you're having a nice day? Yes? Good to know - I hope it gets even better
No? I understand, and though I cannot force you to be happy, remember there's a VERY large percentage of the world who can't either read or use technology like you do, some are even dying - it may be a thin and tiny slice of cake you have, but do enjoy it anyways, it's better than nothing.You deserve to be happy - that's why you're here and alive. Life is happiness :)

Now for the good news!!! :D

We're trying to expand our topic and paradigm base here on this blog and would really love to hear from all the people who have tied to write anything.

It could be a story; a short or long one, a poem, an article, anything at all. Even works of art eg paintings, drawings, pictures etc - a picture says a thousand words after all.

You can also give topic requests if you'd like me to write on something I might be missing out on in the blog. I usually only write on ideas that come to me, things I experience or news I see that needs to be reasoned on. So if there's anything (*grins*) you'd like me to air my personal brand of views on, just request it!! :D

Contact me by

  • Commenting here, on the blog  
  • Pinging me at 7FDFA367 (FOR BBM)
  • Contacting me on my whatsapp number, if you have it.
  • Kik me at JamikeE
  • Sending an email to for more info, helpful suggestions.

Thanks for always coming here :D
You all are the REAL stars ;)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Killing Expectations – Romance

I strongly disagree with the picture up above. This is the kind of thing that gets relationships, that could have been great, messed up and destroyed. Communication is a two-way process. The phone works BOTH ways. If he refuses to call, then you should try to…. Don’t go giving up on a relationship because of pride. Pride is good for absolutely NOTHING but killing. It will kill your friendship, it will kill your relationships, it WILL kill your connections.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Being Female In Nigeria

A  topic started showing up recently, which I think would be amazing if we looked at it seriously - and helped it gain the recognition it deserves. Many of you may have heard of it, and most of you will actually be affected by it. You may already know it, the trend


This hashtag, currently trending on twitter highlights the various socioethical and various other injustices visited on women, mentally, physically or otherwise throughout the country Nigeria, As many of who already live here know, the country is more or less especially patriarchal in nature. Everything mostly seems to revolve around "THE MAN". The man is everything. The man is all that matters,

*Do you have children?  Yes? --->Great

*Are any male?
Yes - Good for you
No - Oh sorry.....don't worry, we will still take care of your inheritance for you.