
Friday, July 17, 2015

The Meaning of Life

"...Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.” | Marianne Williamson

"Life is many things, but above all others, it is the chance you've been waiting for." | Robert Brault

Philosophers, sages and bored teenagers throughout history have examined a critical and sometimes controversial question that has churned out an innumerable multiplex of theories and philosophies over the years.

This question is...

"What is the meaning of life." 

I'm obviously not referring to either the definition seen in the Oxford dictionary or the one given by romanian pop twins in one of my earlier articles ie "Touch my bum. This is life"

Well.....Quite frankly? I think maybe the meaning of life is the one you give it.

The truth is everyone and everything has a purpose.

Some people can see a nimbus cloud and for them it may serve as a distraction. An object to unwind their thoughts on.

-Some may see it as a hopeful reminder that the rain may be coming sometime later.

-Some may see it as a reason to hurry the days activities.

All in all. It's only one cloud. But to many people it may have many meanings.

Some people see meaning - their purpose, their calling - in being lawyers, in being doctors, in being teachers, full time parents, members of clergy.

That is their lifes' meaning.

A lot of people believe that "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." Though my aim is not to discredit or dispute this philosophy - the truthful question to ask is, "who says you cannot create yourself with what you find?"

It's one of the many popular quotes circulating the internet. There are numerous thought paradigms on the meaning of life typed out or scrawled on photos, images and gifs all over the web. Each one made by a person convinced and believing they've discovered the keys and ultimate truth.

Me? I just think life is a rainbow. Each of us represents a shade of a color which is part of that. Each of us has different ideals, thought processes, experiences and ambitions that make and even mar us. Nothing says we cannot have more than just a single color. But I don't think you can ever have anything even close to a full set without ever interacting with anyone. Our diversity may just be one of the things which really brings us together. That's why I live my life in multicolor. (Or at least I think I do :P )

There are people who believe and say that "life has no meaning". My response to that belief is that - well basically you can see life the same way you see a math problem.

Its just numbers and words which have no answer or meaning until you have found it. Until you have discovered it. Until you have looked at its intricacies and picked out the keys to obtaining the answer. The meaning behind it all.

You must understand, however, that just like math problems, people can also perceive or obtain the wrong answers and meaning too. Sometimes even with the right keys and answers, people can obtain warped meanings as well. I'm not really going to mention any(**cough cough - YOLO anyone? **cough )

Sometimes we just need someone to point out the right things to focus on and use to solve the "math problem". Someone to set us the good, right path. Someone to help us see the colors and the rainbow.

Life will have an answer, a purpose, a meaning once you look the right way for it. There's a friend I have, Charles Okeke, who during a meeting we had with our colleagues over some discrepancies in leadership in our class said "....I have come to learn that WE are the leaders of our own lives...." - and it's absolutely true. YOU decide what your life is all about, and what life means to you. YOU lead your own life, nobody else can or will do it for you, they do NOT have the power to. Life can be hard, good, funny, simple, a journey, a pain, an adventure or anything you want it to be. That's the truth some people either don't know or don't want to tell you. The person that really gets to decide in the end is you.

That's why I believe that the "meaning of life" is the one you give it. Life is what you make it to be. Try to make it right.

Let's give life meaning. Yours, mine, and everyone elses'
Love, Stars and Jam

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  1. No knowledge is a waste. Thanks for this article 😊

  2. I'm glad you all enjoyed the article. Thanks for coming here :D

    Got any suggestions? Disagreements maybe?


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