
Monday, March 20, 2017

Best Friend For Sale

I really don't think I should be writing this article.

You'll know why if you keep on reading.

Most people have this one, special, always-there, super-understanding friend. If I was in a satire type of mood, my next sentence would say "These people are afflicted with the Best Friend Syndrome - ". But I'm trying to be nice today, so I'll throw sugar and blue icing on everything here. I do hope you don't have mental diabetes though. (I'm talking to you goth-lover)

I've had several "Best Friends" throughout my 23-yearcareer in humanity. I can happily sum up my experiences with this sentence.

"Don't Do It."

Why? Is it a bad idea? - Yes. Is it still a good idea to have one anyway? - also yes. Are you confused? - (whisper your 'yes' to this blog, in a comment over the phone you're holding)

For those of you who have watched Kevin Harts' show, you probably already know the next sentence I'm going to write... "Let me explain".

A best friend knows all your secrets. All your weaknesses, all your bad points, all your fears, all your haters and hates. Your best friend most likely knows more about you than your parents even. (To all our parent readers out there, we, the younger generations, are sorry for this - but it's still true).

You might think that knowing all there is to know about you is a good thing, but no, that's not always the case. Sometimes all that knowledge and power being in someone else's hands ends up being used wrongly. But that's not what you want to hear. Many of you out there have best friends already, and you're having the time of your lives. Many others out there desperately want a best friend - you want someone you can always talk to, someone who's always got your back, even when you're not around. Someone who understands you. Someone who loves you for who you really are. Quite honestly? You need Jesus. No really. I mean, He's perfect!! But again... most of you don't want to hear that either. Sad. Really sad.

So now, against my own interests, I will teach you how to get a best friend. Here goes my 10 steps to success.

1. Improve yourself.

Really. You want a best friend, but you're not ready to even be a good one? You are what you deserve. What do you have to offer besides the latest gist in town? Are you ready to be loyal? To tell the truths that hurt? To share your N3000 Coldstone ice cream? No? Better stay in your lane then.

2. Be nice to yourself.

Were you expecting me to tell you to be nice to others? Well, yes, that's important too - but you should never kill yourself for others. If you take time to discover yourself, you'll see you are just as important as anyone on this earth. Stay in front of the mirror every day and repeat this mantra. "I am worth every good thing coming my way. I make the world a better place. I will not be a shadow, I will be a light. I make a good difference. I am the best 'ME' I can be"

3. Have faith in people.

People are wily, hateful, jealous, domineering, angry, lazy, bitter, depressing and a whole host of other adjectives that, if written, would turn this post into an essay.

But they are also kind, loving, strong, resilient, trusting, understanding, uplifting and hopeful. There are good people. People that would, for you, make the sun come up at night, just to give you a brighter day.

4. Go out and meet people.

Your best friend is most likely not going to appear to you like a vision in the night. Or even a dream. Don't wait for your 'best friend' to come to YOU. Go into the world and see what it has to offer. Be friendly. Say hello. Go new places. New things happen in new places. (I didn't say go to clubhouse or anywhere like that o. Be mindful)

5. Step outside your mind box.

We all tend to be judgmental of things different from our cultures, background upbringing and views of the world. We don't always like 'different', even though once you try it, sometimes 'different' can be good. Get to know people before you judge them on their dressing, speech, hairstyle, tribe, wallet size or skin color. The world is a rainbow - and rainbows are beautiful for a reason.

6. Communicate

You'd be surprised how much misunderstandings tend to happen, even between two people who have stayed years together. You can be acting friendly and they'll think you're flirting. Or you can be flirting, and they'll think you're acting friendly. They can think your handshake is an invite to pull them down, or that your stare is put of jealousy. Speak simply, clearly, and make sure they understand you the way you understand them. Talkthings out. Do not assume.

7. Address your problems

Yes. Contrary to popular belief, ignoring your problems does NOT make them go away!! If you have something bothering you when it comes to a friend, then talk to them about it. Even if you're not confident enough to sit them down, then at least just mention it so they take notice. Be brave NOW, so you won't feel the heat later.

8. Sacrifice

When you have friends, you'll need to learn to recognize that the world, in fact, does not revolve around you. You'll have to make compromises at times, you'll have to care about how they're doing, check up on them, know their likes and dislikes and give them your attention and time. Not all of it of course, but enough to make you significant in their life(lives).

9. Remember that you are important

Some people get so lost in friendships that they do everything for their "friend", at great expense to themselves. You have to know, and draw a line between favour and abuse. Making a little sacrifice does not involve killing yourself (metaphorically).

10. Be a rainbow

Sounds cheesy doesn't it? Yes, well, you'll eventually recognize that having one friend alone has it's benefits, and disadvantages. You'll need to interact with other people because you’ll soon realize that you won’t always have time for each other. You're human, you have lives if your own, and sometimes you just need alone time.

Remember true friendship is not about who you spend the most time with. It's about who you have the best time with. Keep this up, and you'll find that friend that makes sense to you and your ideals more than anyone.

That’s the gist of it. The 10-step process. Since you don’t want to listen to my advice of not getting one. Of course, I myself have a bestfriend. So as you can see, sometimes I don't even listen to my OWN advice.

Can you just believe it?

Don’t forget to send us your success stories o. We'd love to hear about your hilarious failures astounding successes in joy.

Be Friendly.
Love, Stars and Best of Friends Wishes.

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