
Friday, May 26, 2017

In Retrospect [POEM]

Did you like Adeem's poem?
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  1. Again I

  2. So deep 😲😭😒

  3. Wow, this is raw and deep. A very real write up...speechless

  4. This poem would have been really great ... but I have a question.. who exactly are the targeted readers of this write up?. Because, it seems to me that only English professors and those with an exploit vocabulary were expected to read this ...
    A writer should have the ability to communicate well to his readers through his work. They should be able to understand it and properly relate.
    In this case, the writer has chosen to limit his communication by flaunting his complex vocabulary to impress us instead..

    Anyway, nice poem Adeem 😊

  5. Thumbsup😁 A very nice way to flaunt your vocabulary. I was struggling to understand the message.


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