
Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Stuck Between Waters 

Hi, @bankstatements1

My story starts two years ago. I was in love with this girl and she loved me too or so I thought. We started dating after several months of friendship. 
One day, she called me and said that she had lost interest in the relationship,that it just didn’t work for her anymore. I tried to talk to her and hold on but after dragging on for days, I had to let her go. 

Her best friend who was my confidante and close friend who I met my girlfriend through, felt sorry for me and even tried stepping in and talking to her not to do it but it was all in vain all so much so it became alright with me. All through my pain and sadness, her friend was there for me and she didn’t care or look back. Months went by and I got even closer to her friend.

We saw different sides of each other that we had never seen before. We always enjoyed each other’s company and things started getting awkward since it became clear we were falling for each other after some discussions. A few months ago which is nearly six months since my last relationship with her friend, I realized I had fallen deeply for her.

I could not do without hearing her voice or seeing her and it seemed the situation was vice versa. Whenever I see her, I see the mother of my children and she also feels the same way but our relationship would disrupt her relationship with her friend and clique, even family, since they are family friends and it’s become clear that none of them is allowed to see me.
So I ask @bankstatements1, Should I hold on to her, and damn the foreseen repercussions. Or let go to save their friendship and peace of many years?

NB: Mind you if we date, it has been confirmed she would lose almost all her close friends as it'll be seen as a betrayal to do this.

Hi there, please make sure you drop a comment in the comment section.
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Michelle Yowa said...

Wow. Hold on to the relationship ( if it’s real of course) . Soon enough, the rest of them ( close friends and clique) will understand

Unknown said...

Hold on to the relationship

Abraham said...

In my perspective, if transcending from a regular friend to a close friend didn't spoil her relationship with her friends, dating probably won't either. Things would be awkward n all but it shouldn't ruin the relationship with her close friends

I advise you keep your relationship and make it as strong as it can get

Anonymous said...

I think it's beautiful what you two found. Not many people are brave enough to acknowledge that what they have is for real. Hang on to her though. Believe me, whatever dislike or resentment her close friends and family think they have for either of you will die soon enough. Their love for her will win over any other negative emotion and soon enough they'll see that you two are perfect for each other. You've stumbled across a goldmine, my friend. Don't let anyone take it from you 😊

Anonymous said...

I think you should #Shoot your shot. Tell her how you feel. Bottling it up will only hurt you, even if she's not ok with moving the relationship forward

Anonymous said...

Hey its about the two of you. So hold on you both deserve to be happy. And because it didn't work with her friend its not your fault