
Friday, August 25, 2017


So recently, I watched a woman talk about home…

And how a lot of times, we make the mistake of finding our home in other people. So every standard we expect, we place in them. We place our comfort, strength, balance and happiness in them. We get so dependent on them, that we lose the ability to walk properly on our own.

But the truth is, our relationships with people can be very unstable and anyone can leave at any time... and you may never see it coming. Be it your best friend, or someone you're in a relationship with, whoever. Irrespective of what you've been through together, people can disappoint you.  And That's why when they leave, we start to feel empty...  Like our home has been taken away from us...  We then feel homeless, and exposed leading us to pain and sadness. Because rather than finding our home and stance in ourselves, we placed it in someone else.

As much as we actually do need people and need to trust others someway, and somehow, we have to learn also to be dependent on ourselves - and It involves understanding the idea of self-love, self-worth and self-confidence. That everything that comes into your life is lucky to have you, and everything that thinks you're worth leaving?...  It's their loss. Because you're flawlessly flawed, and there's so much more you will become. To Learn to enjoy having friends or lovers around, but to also be confident you'll be fine if they hurt you - being our strongest strengths, points and critics anyway...

Finding our home in ourselves, as a lot of things in life - is easy to say, but a lot harder to do...  You should keep in mind that it doesn't all happen in a day...  It's a step by step process.  Understanding that successfully learning to be strong is a process that involves a lot of breaking down.

By Jewel Agunbiade
IG: @graynotion

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