Friday, July 29, 2016

10** Most Popular Fake Whatsapp messages

"Facebook is where hypocrisy, falseness, double standards, rumors and depression meet up for coffee."

I'm sure one time or another, you've received a message from whatsapp saying "Send this to 5 people to activate your whatsapp", "The CEO of whatsapp informs you that....", "....Send this to 10 people you know if you care".

Fake messages. Sometimes they are absolutely baseless messages, sometimes they're messages with a small element of truth to throw you off the scent of the fermenting worded rubbish that's presented in the message.

Don't get it wrong though - Most (if not all) people who broadcast these messages after receiving them don't know they're fake. They believe they're doing a good thing. We usually don't check the truthfulness of broadcasts before we distribute them. We just send. We don't open the links, we don't verify, we don't reason it out fully and all the way.

Here are just a few whatsapp messages that are hoaxes, some of the most popular formats - of which if they weren't obvious before, you'll now be able to recognize the common patterns.

Apart from these, there are others which say "If you love Jesus, send this to 5 people". But do you honestly believe that your number of whatsapp messages will be checked on judgment day? Anybody can copy, paste and send a message. But do you feel it?

Check the link   for more info on fake messages about paying for whatsapp services.

Finally. For those of you that actually opened this blog post and checked, I'm sure you've realized that there were only 8 popular whatsapp hoaxes shown in the messages above.

But yet..... even yet, some people are sure to have distributed this link to you without checking first.

Let's Be Legendary
Love, Stars and Verifying

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last one got me.. "Delete messages in both sides." But then people will still go ahead to share and BC. Very soon it'll be WhatsApp 5.0 lollipop. Now with WhatsApp 5.0 you can enjoy lots of new features like slapping annoying mates online. Some human beings will still BC.😂😂😂