Sunday, January 31, 2016

Picture Memories

I'm an extreme photographer :P . I've been known to take quite a few pictures at everywhere i go and anything I do. I take pictures of interesting things, people, sights or events. Anything I'd want to remember or talk about with someone someday. 

They say 'a picture is worth a thousand words', and maybe it's true. You can tell a lot about a person from their pictures. Even a single one.

Their stature. Their smile. Their pose. Their dressing. Their background. Their eyes. Their footing. The people with them in the picture. The way they interact with the other people in the picture. The way they interact with their environment in the picture. The angle at which their chin inclines. The lighting of the picture. The corners. And so much more...

There's really quite a lot you can learn about a person from just one picture. Yes... most people don't consider all these things when they're about to take a picture. Most of the time it's just #Snap_and_post... but everything is mostly done subconsciously. Everyone more or less has a memory mill on their phone (picture gallery). Look through all your pictures and I'm sure you'd find a pattern to most of them. Some patterns continuing on, and some patterns changing...

For me? Its basically three things. The first is sunglasses. I LOOOOOVE sunglasses. Hmm... heck, I'm going to be wearing sunglasses a lot this year.

The second is my smile. My mother would shout from now till tomorrow for you to smile in your pictures. 'Show your teeth!!' It stuck with me, and I'm almost always smiling these days in my pictures.

The third is this thing I do where I point my finger at the camera. It was so bad that people dubbed it the "Jamike Pose" in my uni. It even set out to be a fad too. Lots of people are doing it. Try it!!

If you go through your pictures, I'm sure you'd find more than a few patterns in your own #Picture_Memories. People change but memories don't; and the best thing about memories is making them.

Most people wonder why I like to take lots of pictures these days, and the answer is simple. I keep them as my memories.

-- When I was younger, during my secondary school/High school graduation I was stuck at this 'High Table' during almost the entirety of the ceremony. Everyone else was moving around taking pictures and getting contacts and having fun. I was stuck at this table pretending to look dignified and whatnot. Lord knows I absolutely hate high tables now. It's alienating, and for me it was absolutely disenfranchising. My father and most of my siblings had been unable to come. I was only able to take pictures with my mother and two sisters and a friend. A handful of pictures for what was meant to be one of the most important events in my academic life. It was my first ever graduation..... and to this day, all I have to show for it is nothing more than a handful of pictures --

For what it's worth, this isn't a sob story - but it IS one of the most/more pivotal moments that I've had in my life. Sometimes... small things can have big effects, you see.. The truth is "a good snapshot keeps a moment from running away"

To this day I still endeavor to preserve my memories in picture form. When people I haven't seen for a while meet me, sometimes they say 'You've changed so much' Well yes...  I'm supposed to. Therealme changes. I grow. This year there might be a lot of changes even to this blog. Shocking ones even.  *Everybody changes, but only memories stay the same.*  Today just so happens to be my birthday, so I'll end this post with a mini gallery of my #PictureMemories of how I've grown and changed over the years...

Be warned... some pictures are embarrassing though, but they are, nevertheless, memories ever still.

Thanks for coming here
Love, Stars and Picture Memories...


Diapearl said...

Happy birthday to my darling brother J..i love this post. #thejamikepose

Damilola M.D said...

story storyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Jamike Ekennia-Ebeh said...

Everybody likes a good story bro :P
And a good picture? It tells a #BEAUTIFUL story ;)

Nenyem said...

Happy birthday jay love , I love u much more thank words or actions can convey . May the good Lord bless u more and more and may all your efforts be crowned with gray success. ������������

Nenyem said...

Love u much more than* and great success

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jamie Boy. I wish you the best as you get older. Its interesting seeing the man you have become, and you write so well as well. Jisike.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Jamie!