Thursday, February 28, 2019

My Bread Incinerator

[3 min read]

I had an idea once,
A wonderful idea I must say,
To have a bread factory working night and day.

Oh Bread! 
When you are fresh from the oven, 
You are succulent, fresh, warm to touch,
brown like honey; white as cream, 
You smell like heaven and taste like the best thing ever. 
You draw men to you,
Our tongue waters at the thought of you,
And you fill the belly with delight.

But, I have a sister,
Her name is Sophia.
You know I like you, 
But she?
She loves you, a little too much I must confess.
Her love for you is almost obsessive,
And this is why I cannot actualize my idea.
A dream and a beautiful thought you shall remain,
Because, the day you're launched is the day you're destroyed. 
Destroyed by my sister's love,
Incinerated by my sister's mouth.

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