Hi. I'm Jamike. I'm kinda sure you knew this already but I'll try to go on with what we're here for.
Shyness. It's a dilemma for many and deemed an asset by very very few.
Have you ever wondered if you're shy? If you're actually wondering...then it's likely you're not. If you've ever wondered whether you're outspoken.....it's most likely that you are...sorry? :P
Have you ever wondered if you're shy? If you're actually wondering...then it's likely you're not. If you've ever wondered whether you're outspoken.....it's most likely that you are...sorry? :P
There's nothing wrong with being shy or being outspoken, they're not even two extreme opposites at that.
I believe that we're made as we are all for a reason because we all have different roles and parts to play in this life. In the world - if everyone was outspoken then it'd probably be cacophony of voices trying to outspeak other voices everywhere. If we were all shy it'd be that no-one would talk to one another, imagine mothers and fathers afraid to talk to their newborn babies and children, afraid to even touch them. How would anyone even get married to have children is mystery in itself even. Yes...I know.....I over exaggerated. But let's face it this way ---> It would be a terribly monotonous world if all of us were exactly alike in one way or another.
Irregardless, the topic of the day is being shy. What exactly does it mean to be shy. I'm not going to define that - sorry - for various reasons. I'm just going to talk about a few things on the concept.
First is the fact that the concept of "shyness" is one of an extremely abstract paradigm. Everyone can believe themself shy if they really want to. Who are you to tell me whether I'm shy or not. I know myself, in and out, and I will be what I will be. All anyone else is - except the Lord God Almighty - , is an OBSERVER. And as far as you're only observing what I want you to, then your views are going to be fundamentally flawed. I admit however...There ARE* people who are able to see through various farces but that's another story and another post.
Second is the fact that there is a great misunderstanding in the world. This includes that of the similar concepts of Introversion and Shyness. They are NOT the same thing. Sure they're related but that's not a fundamental factor. You can be outspoken and yet introverted at the same time. Let me explain it in simpler terms.
Introversion is when you like being by yourself, alone and within your own space.
Shyness is when you lack (or rather, do not show) the inner capacity to voice yourself and your opinions out.
See the diff?
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Hope you did cuz you all need to understand that so that the world cab go forward. Thank you (y).
Yeah....I just defined shyness above. .. I know I said I wouldn't but...well I'm just typing this as I go on so....
Moving on. Third is that people change. Anyone can be shy today and get over that in a week or two if something life changing occurs. Anything is possible and the limit of human capability is immeasurable. For the Christians you'll remember that the bible says in Phillipians 4:13 that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". I've seen people became leaders, social giants and men/women of the hour who used to be quivering blobs of shy humanity some time ago. It takes a lot of courage and conviction but if you want to change then you can do it too.
I'll just end by saying a few others things about shyness. First - It is NOT* in anyway a curse, it can even be a blessing in some situations. It's just something that results from a part of us that wants to world to accept who we are as well as they want and a part if us that is too shy to show who and what we are inside because we are still unsure of how the world is going to react. It's easy to see how this comes about either one or a combination of our past experiences as well as future fears. If you want to get over your shyness all you have to do is to let put your voice. That's how you overcome it inside. I know that it seems hard I've been in your position before. But it's because I've been there in the dark that I know that you can get out of it too.
So step out into the light dear brothers and sisters ...
where the soft glow beckons you home.
To become overcomers and not live as undergoers
is the message in this short poem.....
where the soft glow beckons you home.
To become overcomers and not live as undergoers
is the message in this short poem.....
I realize that I haven't talked all that much about all there is to talk about on this concept so I'll do one of two things - if not both (highly unlikely). I'll either have to make a part two of this post or re - edit it and add new things once I have the time and mind. Feel free to comment below to let me know which you prefer.
Thanks for coming here :)
Love, stars and Jam
Love, stars and Jam
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