Friday, October 7, 2016

Je vous aurais pre venun (I should have warned you...)

I'm not certain, that a curse hasn't been placed over me. 
I know of this because I feel no weight on my shoulders.

 I love, oh yes I love.  
But, the instant these feelings become mutual, my ecstasy deteriorates.
 The force field of attraction dilates, to give birth to repulsion. 
 Do I prey, on the fact, that they haven't experienced anything like me before?
 Because if they have, they would not entertain my presence 
or indulge in my charms. 

I'm euphoriant,
 I should be enjoyed then discarded.
 And honest self perusal reveals... I may not be able to handle such removal


Did you like this article? You can read awesome others like...
1. The Yoruba Demon
2. My Heart Has a Fever
3. Written By John


Looku Looku said...

"Do I prey, on the fact, that they haven't experienced anything like me before".

Have mercy on them Mr. Adeem...

Anonymous said...

Lol. So...

Confessions of a yoruba demon?

The Female angel said...

I love this