This article however is actually an original typed piece. Please don't copy this :|. Just refer it :D Have fun though....
1. I Don't Lie
I'm sure you've said this one once or twice in your life, you may even be among the few of us that say it a LOT even, but seriously though? "No more paradoxicals" is the way to go for his new year.
2. I'll Be Done In..... Minutes
So many people say this that it's become ridiculously overplayed and overused. Anyone saying this knows it's a lie, and anyone hearing it ALSO knows that it's a lie. Funny thing? It's almost always never meant to be a lie. We just usually tend to either overestimate our abilities or underestimate the circumstanced delaying us. I's not so much of a lie - than it is an "erroneous statement".
3. I'm Fine
People say this one a lot. To avoid complicating a discussion, or to avoid starting one with someone you're not interested in talking to at that moment, or other reasons here and there that seemingly justify the lie in their minds, even though it's subconsciously let out, but really - It's not justifiable, only excusable. There's a difference.
4. I'm At .....(so so and so place)
Ever lie to someone when you want them to calm down because you're late to be at the location you promised them to be at? Well, as you may have already known and guessed, you're not alone. Many times we tell ourselves(and other people) we can be somewhere on time, and in the end we let others down, leading to a mini world war III episode between us and them. Remember all that? Yeah...
5. I'm Not Feeling Well
Ever say this lie to get out of not doing as well as you should be, or working or out f punishment or so? Well you;re not alone. It;s used across all the ages, from the tiny toddlers to the edgy elderly. Everyone has that "i was sick" card to pull out and play once in a while. ;)
6. No Problem
Most of the time, this is said for one of two reasons; To avoid problems or, paradoxically, to promise them. There are three ways in which this statement is usually uttered however, and they generally fall into categories as;
- Sarcastically - which involves subtle promises for retribution, revenge or a similar reciprocation. In this case, it's said with anger or malice in someone's heart.
- Euphemistically - (Actually, this isn't really the correct term, but I couldn't find any alternative for the moment, so i'll manage, follow through if you will please :P )
- Defeatedly - When you know you have no choice but to do it and want to avoid possible(or further) problems from occurring.
Im sure you're very familiar with most of the popular online acronyms that's used everywhere from social networks to post-it sticky notes and badly written letters. Most of the time we have an expression more like this --> , than one hilariously twisted in laughter and delight,
This isn't so much a common or popular lie, as much as it is rather an abused and overused one. Mostly;
The stereotype is -
Guys use it to get sex
Girls use it to get money
But whatever it's for, it's been abused to now become far less than it's original weight. Luckily, there are so many people in the world who both value the meaning and expression of this statement, both in giving and receiving.
9. I Don't Know
his is a lie most adults abandon when they grow up. Most people still use it though, and it's more especially commonplace with children. They just love to pretend that that glass plate spontaneously went and broke itself.

Even teenagers use it to take away blame, and not even all adults are exceptions to this lie either.
How many times have you said just this in the past year? Of course, if you really look at it, sometimes people say it because they cannot remember the incident, either at all or very well, or just to avoid getting into trouble quickly (even though they will when the truth really comes out on it's own).
10. I Don't Have Credit
Face it, you have enough credit to a least call for 10 secs. These days nobody even calls for long periods anymore, its rare for me to stay more than 2 minutes for almost anything these days even. Maybe it's because I'm a student? Who knows.... The fact still remains that N5 is still credit, as small and infinitesimal as it possibly seems.
Most people say it in order to avoid calling someone or in order to save up on expenses which they don't deem as a high enough priority on their requirements list.
Most people like sending out those wonderful "Please send me credit"messages to everyone they know. Just imagine the calculation shaa. If they send the message out to to fifty people every week, and half that number sends the bare minimum of N50, then they're getting at least N1,250 every single week. Of course, realistically, people don't always respond to these messages all the time, and most people would send far more than the meager N50.
But who are we to judge or state these things?
Thanks!! :D
����...gonna send dis to my friends ASAP(i mean it��)
Awww. Thats great. I really hope you liked it. you think theres any good lies i missed out on? :P
Replacing lol with salts...that's a very interesting one.
LOL. I've actually never used salts that much :) But ok, sure
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