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Original by www.therealjamike.blogspot.com |
Valentines day is coming fast and many
people are asking the same question they do this period of the year.
"What is Love?"
Well. It's simple. Love is sex and
Yes. Once again. The kolanut saga lives on.
I'm making a short article for once. Like really short. I know some people will
be excessively happy today.
Obviously being a very short article I will
not go go too deep. Just taking an article swim through the shallow end of the
ocean of love. I honestly hope you get that metaphor. Please comment below if
you didn't so I know to avoid trying to be too creative all the time 😊.
Thank you.
Love is sex. Let me explain.
Ok. Truth be told that sentence up there is
an absolute lie. I put it there to trick you to open the link of this article.
Yes. It's excessively mischievous. I know. But let's be honest. It got the
results right? So now that you HAVE clicked on here, you might as well go ahead and use 3 minutes to read it right ;)
Let me tell you what love is truly all
Love is offering a warm meal to a homeless
person on the street. #Giving
Love is giving away your last snickers bar
to a sibling even though it's your favourite snack of all time. #Sacrifice
Love is holding on and refusing to give up
on people. No matter what happens - if
it's all for a truly good and sensible cause. #Persistence
Love is a mother sending her only son or
daughter away to a different country just to get him or her an opportunity to
have a better life. #Understanding
Love is giving someone you don't like a
helping hand or a drink/meal just because they need it. #Indiscrimination
Love is planting a seed, watering it and
watching it grow. #Patience
Love is a warm hand in a freezing
snowstorm. #Warmth #Companionship
Love is the Universe. Love is handmade, hand given. Heartfelt, pulsating, free. #Creation #Unlimited
Love is God. #Ultimate_Truth
Love is a dream. Come Alive. Come True.
#Undefined #Unbound
Love is a hug. Love is a smile. Love is a
thank you. #Expression
Love is many things.
I'm not going to be defining love because
any definition would most likely only limit our understanding of the concept.
Love has an innumerable number of angles to understand it from. It is of
infinite correlation. Giving it a definition would only make you look at it from one, if not several few angles and limit it's cope of infinite correlation. (Though, I can argue saying God is Love would cover it, but that's a topic for another article right? :D )
However Love is NOT many things too.
Love is not staying in a marriage where
your spouse steals from you, beats you and degrades you consistently and puts
your life and those of your continuous family at risk. That is excessive
tolerance. At a severely ill advised level, foolhardy even.
Love is not following a person everywhere,
watching everything they do, everyone they talk to, every move they make. That
is obsession.
Love is not giving a gift or appointment or position - which was offered up to the public qualified for it, to a friend, to a relative, to a fellow ethnic/social/religious member. That is discrimination
Love is not a body part. It is not the
admiration of body parts - singly or collectively, by sight or otherwise. That
is lust.
Love is not mooning over a persons' every
picture, word or simple appearance. Not even just th ethought of them, and that alone. That
is infatuation.
Love is not a kiss. Not sex. Not
blocking/flirting. Those are expressions of love. Albeit ones which are - more often
than not, severely abused.
Love is something most people have to
actually define for themselves. Yes even you. Love is what you CHOOSE it to be. It can be sweet when you give or receive it, or bitter even, sometimes for your own good. Even right or wrong. We all make mistakes at times. That's why we grow. That's
why we live. That's why we love.
One last important piece. I cannot emphasize this enough. One thing we all hae to realize at some point or other in our lives is this truth: Sometimes the people who least deserve our love are the ones MOST in need of it....
Yeah. Sometimes love isn't ALWAYS hersheys' kisses....sometimes it's kolanut too.
Thanks for coming here :)
Love, stars and Jam.
Love is a kolanut...Lol...sounds nostalgic for an Igbo man...nice article though,you really did a good job.
nice write up bro
Thank you very much :D
I really do appreciate the comments. Thank you even more for taking the time to read this......oh.....and Happy Valentine's day :D
Great one Jamie
Rily nyc
Thanks so much for reading and commenting Everyone. Hope you guys understood the main gist shaa? Is there anything you want me to elaborate on?
Jamie u r a very good and humourous writer! Excellent writing skills keep it up!!
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