"Dance like the photo's not being tagged, Love like you've never been unfriended, Tweet like nobody's following"
About a week back, I finally joined Twitter (@therealjamike). It's been one of the most heartbreaking decisions I've made, and I thought I should share this...
Honestly? Social networks scare me sometimes. Not the "I'm going to die" kind of scare, but the "there's something wrong here" kind of scare.
They're addictive. Think about it - when was the last day you went by, without going on to your whatsapp or facebook or twiiter? Please....don't count that one day or week that you didn't have data. It's not an achievement jare
I can check my whatsapp once every 5 - 10 mins, over the whole course of the day. I used to have a similar problem with facebook, I'm sure some of you might have the same problem with instagram. I mean seriously - there are too many pictures. Now comes the problem with twitter. The concept of this network is to make users put up info on anything they're doing. Basically, as you're living your life in the real world - you must also live it on twitter.

- Just got a new phone? Tweet it.
- You woke up just now? Tweet it.
- Finally "caught" that stubborn person you've been chasing? Tweet it maliciously.
- Got fired for being on twitter too much? Tweet it.
- Do you have a dry joke, that nobody wants to hear? Tweet that ish.
- Accident just happened? Take a pic and tweet it before helping.
You will be transformed into a twitterbug.
You might think I'm exaggerating, but these things really do happen. I've been avoiding twitter for years, because I'm already on too many networks sef. And twitter happens to be the most timetasking of them all. Yes. After you have tweeted your life out online, then the second phase begins. Look at other people's tweets.
The journey never ends.
Irregardless of this, i know twitter does have good points. You can get news increadibly fast, discover the latest trends right as they occur, popularize a brand or event when you have enough followers, stage a protest against injustice - or at least bring attention to it. There is so much you can do with twitter.
It really is an interesting network to be involved with. Sometimes too interesting though, because the world wide web is an entanglement of addictive sensations - and twitter is a focal point for it. If you aren't careful, you could get caught up in the web as just another twitterbug. However, now that I have joined it, it seems I've become immersed in the immense eternal struggle that is the "pursuit of followership". So... join the bandwagon! Follow @therealjamike today!
Let's be Legendary
Love, Stars and Follow Me
Lol,twitter bug
Yeah I know many that can relate to that
For me, I uninstalled my twitter app 3 days after I joined it.I just knew that was soooo not my type of networking.
Bimbo!! This is your first time commenting π. Welcome!
So then... what *is* your type of networking then?
Just whatsapp
You own is better.
Some people will be on BBM, WeChat, Snapchat, IMO, whatsapp, twitter and facebook.
They'll even join Google's "Allo" when it comed out tooπ . They're strong people to handle all that.πͺπͺ
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