What use is forgiving your ENEMIES, if you can't even forgive your own FRIENDS?
There's this "humour quote" that says - "The bible probably tells us to love our neighbours and love our enemies, probably because they are generally the same people".
Sometimes even the funniest statements contain constants of truth. Think of it this way - a lot of times your 'enemies' are simply friends that you haven't made yet, and I believe that friends are simply 'enemies' you've come to understand.
Don't believe me? Just think about it - The friends you have right now are generally the people that you have a resonance with, you might like and do common things and hang out because you enjoy each other’s' company i.e. you UNDERSTAND each other. But sometimes you lose and break friendships when you fight, or lose touch or just change....why? Because you no longer UNDERSTAND each other.
Now look at this - That girl or guy that you never liked much, because you always disagree or maybe you might secretly envy him/her, can suddenly become your very best friend after a single moment of synchronous thought or action, maybe you just happened to comment on something/someone similarly or told a joke he/she liked. It happens! The friendship that ensues thereafter occurred because you came to UNDERSTAND each other.
There's this quote that says - "the world's best friends never have the same nature - they just have the best 'understanding' of their 'differences".
I mean maybe the truth is that: our differences are NOT made to SEPARATE us, but rather TO INTEGRATE us. Remember that no one will understand you perfectly in life - just give credit to those who have at least TRIED to do it...
God wouldn't make us all unique and different without a purpose, that's what I KNOW.
There's another quote that says: "The world would be a much more peaceful place to live in if we were all taking TO each other, instead of ABOUT each other"
Here's another quote for ya (yes, i know it seems like I’m typing a quote collection):
"It’s really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it's really sad when the best of friends become two strangers"
Treasure your friends. Treasure your enemies. Both are largely exchangeable. Both don't last forever. To all my friends and enemies (even my frienemies) out there who I've hurt, in one way or another - I apologize, please do forgive me. To all my friends and enemies (even my frienemies) out there who've hurt me in one way or another, I forgive you.
"You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret."
Love, Stars and Frienemies...
This is really nice.
You really write well you know?
Great write up
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